Study to determine best way to remove sludge
Canadian Environmental Assessment Agency requires information
By Tanya Collier MacDonald
Cape Breton Post
Friday, Mar. 19, 2004
The best way to remove and handle
the tar ponds sludge will be
the focus of an engineering
study to be completed in June.
A tender was issued requesting
proposals to review, evaluate
and recommend one of several
potential materials removal and
handling options for sediments
in the ponds.
The work is different from a
remedial action evaluation
report previously completed by
the Joint Action Group because
it's more in depth, explained
Gary Campbell, executive director
of the province's Sydney Tar
Ponds Agency.
"The RAER document only
talked about mechanical dredging
as being the way to go," said
Campbell. It didn't go into
great detail. It was very general.
An incinerator, now mothballed
at the edge of the tar
ponds, cost taxpayers $55 million
and failed to clean up the
sludge. Government isn't interested
in having history repeat
itself, said Campbell.
"The biggest problem we ran
into was actually dealing with
the material - getting it out of
the pond and transporting it,"
said Campbell.
The scope of work outlined
in the tender reads that
the project will include
the review of all
available options
for full-scale commercially applied
and proven materials-handling
technologies. As
well, all aspects of
sediment removal, transport,
pretreatment, handling
and storage are to
be considered.
The goal of the
study is to develop and assess a
minimum of three scenarios
and the effect each would have on the
local and surrounding
The technology selected as
the favourable option will effectively
control all volatile air
emissions; effectively and efficiently
excavate, pretreat, dewater and handle the sludge;
identity and minimize any on-site or
off-site impacts to the environment
during or subsequent to
the activity. As well, the recommended
option should be consistent with those
options presented in the RAER and should
be cost-effective.
"This was the Achilles heel
the last time," said Campbell.
"Let's be ready this time."
Once the project is
defined, government
won't be forced to start
from scratch, he said.
"One of the questions
I would like answered is
the existing dredge,"
said Campbell. "Can we
take the cutter head off
it and attach a backhoe?"
Campbell would not
comment on how much
the review may cost but
it is being paid for under
the existing cost-share
agreement among the
federal, provincial and
municipal governments.