Letter cheaper than tar ponds postcards
Letter to the editor from Greg MacVicar
Cape Breton Post
Thursday, May 20, 2004
I don't know if Parker Donham's
comments in response to the critical
reaction to the tar ponds postcard
mailout were supposed to soothe
taxpayers (Tar Ponds Post cards
Anger Some People, May 18). If they
were, I suspect he failed.
My first thoughts were: "Man,
you've sold your soul. I hope the
paycheque is worth it."
Did anybody tack that pretty
postcard to the bulletin board or
stick it on the fridge, and IMAGINE
what Sydney can be? I doubt it. People
picked their teeth with it, used it
as coaster, or fired it in the blue bag.
If Donham has a problem with
local media, which do tend to be
reactive, he should write a letter to
the editor and challenge media to be
more proactive and do some digging,
and in turn challenge the public to IMAGINE.
The Cape Breton Post boasts an 88
per cent adult readership in the
Cape Breton Regional Municipality.
A letter to the Post would be a hell of
a lot cheaper than printing up 50,000
postcards. And more people would
probably read it while flipping to
the obituaries.
Greg MacVicar
Marion Bridge