August 2, 1998
Here is the speech Juanita McKenzie is giving tonight at the CandlelightVigil being held (Frederick Street, Sydney) in conjunction with the 20th anniversary of the 1st evacuation of Love Canal in New York State...

First of all I would like to thank each and every one of you for coming tonight. A specials thank you to Shirley Christmas. For her support and prayers. 20 years ago the 1st evacuation of Love Canal took place ....The 20 Candles here tonight signify this and also that it takes in some cases 20 years for cancer to show up in people. 20 Candles also signifies a flicker of hope to evacuate the residents of this toxic site....Here is a bit of history for you..
In the spring of 1978, a 27-year-old housewife named Lois Gibbs discovered that her child was attending an elementary school built on top of a 20,000 ton toxic-chemical dump in Niagara Falls, NY. Out of desperation, she organized her neighbors into the Love Canal Homeowners Association and struggled for more than 2 years for relocation.
Opposing the group's efforts, were the manufacturer of the toxic wastes, local, state, and federal governments who insisted that the leaking toxic chemicals, were not the causes of high rates of birth defects, miscarriages, cancers, and other health problems. Does this sound familiar?
239 families were eventually evacuated. It was not an easy fight!! Ms. Gibbs faced opposition at every turn. From the very people she thought would protect her and support her.
We the people on Frederick Street, face this dilemma today. We are faced with 700,000 tons of Toxic Sludge, 40,000, of which is PCBs. To put this in perspective, the tar ponds contain approximately 35 times the amount of toxic sludge that were in New York's infamous Love Canal 12 years ago the federal and provincial government of NS started the
clean up of the tar ponds, 55-million dollars later, where are we? What has been accomplished? Health studies have been done. The latest results, showing once again, just how high the numbers for cancer, heart disease, birth defects, learning disabilities, asthma, and multiple sclerosis in women are. These are just to name a few that are so much higher here than the norms of society.
But then again, we have the people in denial. The ones that say there is no problem.....That smoking is the biggest cause of the problems in our community. That they have lived here for years and there is no problem...that their relative=s years ago would go over the bi-pass in Whitney Pier and roll down the windows to smell the benzene as to clear up their sinuses.
Why is it that across North America people recognize the health implications of living on and around toxic sites, and people here in Sydney and area are justifying it and putting us down for doing what we believe? We have proof of what we are living on ..How many families in Sydney, Whitney pier, and surrounding areas have not been affected by
cancers or sicknesses of any kind? How many have? These are questions that we have the answers to, and people have to realize that this is a community and an island that is in trouble? We have to ask ourselves what are we going to do? Do we stay in denial, or do we fight for our families and the other families in our community to lead productive and
healthy lives.
In conclusion, it is important to add that the love canal families didn't know either just what they were exposed to. They didn't know that they were at risk each and every day that they stayed in their homes. But one day they awoke to a community of the unpleasantness and unfortunate realization of how toxic wastes affect our lives, and destroy our environment.
Residents at Love Canal always believed that the government would automatically protect them. They were wrong: In some cases Dead Wrong!
Please support us, by signing the petition to relocated us off this toxic site. To protect us and your families, from the poisons of society and government. Thank you for coming.
God Bless you! And May God Bless us in our day to day endeavors!
Thank you
MORE GOO on Frederick Street -- What's it going to take to move these people?

Juanita McKenzie, official Spokesperson for the Frederick Street Group, Sydney, NS

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