JAG chair urges support for process
By Steve MacInnis, Cape Breton Post, October 27, 1998
If Cape Breton residents ever want to see the Muggah
Creek Watershed cleaned up, it had better start showing
its support to the Joint Action Group (JAG).
"We have an opportunity for a solution and instead of
knocking JAG, why not become involved in the process,"
said Carl (Bucky) Buchanan, JAG chairperson, in an
address Monday to the 48th annual meeting of the Sydney
unit of the Canadian Cancer Society.
In his first public address since being re-elected JAG chair
over the weekend, Buchanan told his audience that all
three levels of government, which fund JAG, have made it
clear that the community must support JAG if a cleanup is
to proceed.
"If the community doesn't rally around and support JAG
then it's our own fault if the area is not cleaned up," he said
"I challenge all of you to become a part of the process."
Formed in August, 1996, JAG is a volunteer community
group mandated to develop a remediation plan for
Canada's worst toxic waste dump.
The is a 325 acre site which
Buchanan described as containing pretty well every
contaminant known to man.
Buchanan said JAG has been chastised because of
infighting but urged his audience to realize the magnitude of
the problem.
"Yeah, we do fight and argue but this is an emotional issue
and trying to run process by consensus is not an easy
thing," he said.
He said JAG volunteers have so far racked up some
20,000 hours in personal time towards finding a
remediation option.
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