JCoke ovens cleanup group awaits word on next step

By Beverley Ware / Cape Breton Bureau, January 16, 1999
Sydney - The group tasked with cleaning up the Sydney Steel coke ovens site expects word next week on what its next step should be.

Chairman Bucky Buchanan said an assessment is due "within days" that will outline the next course of action for remediation of the toxic site. It will include an inventory of what's on site and underground mapping of the piping system used at the former coking operation.

Mr. Buchanan met with Transportation and Public Works Minister Clifford Huskilson and deputy William Hogg in Halifax Wednesday to discuss progress and clear the air. He was upset with the province for cancelling a contract with the company that was to do a initial cleanup without consulting the Joint Action Group.

He said all decisions must be made jointly and that didn't happen this time.

The province said it cancelled the contract with Philip Environmental Atlantic because its equipment had been sitting idle on site since work halted last June. Some area residents had complained of getting sick after coal was moved so the province stopped the cleanup.

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