A sampling
plan to determine the source of toxic chemicals in a Whitney Pier neighborhood
will be drafted today following a visual inspectio of the site by an appointed
monitoring committee.
Wayne Pierce,
committed chairperson and Environment Canada biologist, said about a dozen
committed members will meet today at the Nova Scotia Department of the
Environment offices in Sydney.
A sampling
plan will be drafted, then presented to residents on the street for further
input. Monday, the committee will be meeting again to make final
adjustments and to create a solid plan.
Data derived
from a Cape Breton Development Corporation (CBDC) sampling taken from the
railbed during the first week in June will also be revealed to Frederick
Street residents today. Previous samples taken from the railbed by
the Department of Environment showed elevated amounts of the metals arsenic,
boron, molybdenum and sulfur.
The CBDC results
were delivered to Environment Canada during a committed meeting Tuesday.
The data then had to be transferred into a format that couldn't be misconstrued
by the general public.
Pierce said
the main purpose of the visit to Frederick Street Wednesday was to give
those participating in the efforts the benefit of seeing first hand what
they will be monitoring.
Initial reports
suggested arsenic levels in the area were 18.5 times higher than recommended
national standards.
"When we discuss
where we will sample and how many samples and how many sample points will
be needed, it will give everybody a much better feel for the area," he
While the
members were walking along the railway edging the backyards of residents,
they were noting the characteristic of the stream running alongside the
rail bed, vegetation surrounding the site and the geological makeup of
the area.
Pierce said
they were also looking for more seeps coming out of the rail bed.
In May, a seep was located along a rail bed near resident Debbie Ouelette's
"We see some
areas that are sort of suspicious. These are areas we're going to
be interested in sampling," said Pierce.
How many seeps
or what was seeping out of the ground wasn't revealed by the members.
Pierce said the various government departments need time to compare notes
before revealing the number of additional seeps found. Samples also
need to be taken before it's determined what the substance is.
Pierce said
the visual inspection was preliminary but it was determined the railbed
was filled in.
"There's a
lot of different fills from the rail line itself from construction over
the years."
"But, Pierce
said, there was nothing that appeared to be of immediate concern.
"The stream
doesn't get any worse, eventually it gets better."
The sampling
plan will include soil and water samples. Air monitoring is already
taking place through six air monitoring stations placed along the railbed.
Results from the stations will be available within two weeks.
the provincial and federal Departments of Health are compiling a package
of information on health concerns for the contaminants identified
in the area. There will also be a snow fence put in place to mark
the area as an area of concern and keep children anad animals away from
the site.
Inspection continues today at Pier-area neighborhood
Members of
a newly-formed monitoring committee will be making a visual inspection
today of a Whitney Pier neighborhood reported to have toxic metal in soil
surrounding their homes.
The inspection
will begin at 1:30 pm on Frederick Street - the area where soil tests taken
from a brook determined the amount of arsenic was 18.5 times higher than
recommended national standards.
Those participating
will include representatives of the Department of the Environment, Department
of Health, Department of Transportation and Public Works, Health Canada,
Environment Canada, Joint Action Group (JAG), and the Cape Breton Regional
During the
group's first meeting Tuesday, members discussed a variety of issues and
concerns derived from the report that ejected fear intot he thoughts of
Frederick Street residents who also participated in the meeting.
Soil taken
from nearby rail line - operated by the Cape Breton Development Corporation
(CBDC) - also showed elevated amounts of the metals arsenic, boron, molybdenum
and sulfur.
reports by CBDC, didn't alleviate residents' concerns. Bruce Clyburn,
a representative of CBDC, said the company became aware of the initial
report Friday, May 28. The following Monday company members visited
the site and determined there were two defined seeps in two boxed culvert
structures near the company's railway. Tuesday, June 2, the company
completed a more thorough investigation. Soil and water samples were
taken from the area and the results of the water samples suggested levels
weren't as high as first determined, said Clyburn.
"There is
a tremendous difference in concentration. The difference may suggest
an error in sampling or analytical errors."
The results
of both the soil and the water testing will be made available to the public
today or Thursday. Committee members advised it would be best to
convert the data into a format that can't be misconstrued byanyone before
releasing actual numbers.
members also decided it would be best to absorb the information gathered
by CBDC before designing a strategic plan to eradicate the fears of residents
in the area.
But, some
immediate plans included putting a snow fence along the brook that runs
throught he backyards of the homeowners to prevent children and pets from
playing in the contaminated area. Another included clearing a trash
screen during each rain so the brook won't overflow into the residents'
yards. Further samples and tests during different weather conditions
was also suggested.
Some questions
arose when representatives attempted to determine which level of government
was responsible for which area.
The bantering
caused the residents to boil with frustration.
Resident Juanita
McKenzie said, "I know it's a priority to figure out what's going on but
it has to be a faxt solution, if not, get us off this street. When
you finish yoru samples and tests each day you leave, we're still here.
We're here 24 hours a day. The bottom line for us is our health.
No matter how high on the corporate ladder you have to go, you have to
help us. We're sick."