No word on possible soil contamination

By Steve MacInnis
It will be next week before test results are in on soil samples taken from two work sites near the toxic Sydney tar ponds.

Terry MacPherson, a hydro geologist with the provincial Environment Department, said the department’s primary concern is the off site disposal of the soil which is being disturbed by crews from Nova Scotia Power and a local contracting firm.

Both sites are located behind the Sydney Shopping Centre which boarders the famed tar ponds – considered Canada’s worst toxic waste dump. The ponds are part of the Muggah Creek Watershed which is now the target of Canada’s largest remediation project. A community-based group is attempting to develop a cleanup plan for the site.

A strange black goo was noticed seeping from holes dug by the power company last week and environment officials were contacted. MacPherson said the department requested the power company cordon off the site and store the material securely on site or on their own adjacent property.

Samples were sent for analyses and he said it will likely be next week before the results are back.
February 17, 1999 Press Release from Sierra Club of Canada
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