Launch of cleanup will be economic boost for Cape Breton
A pending federal election evidently played some part in the timing of cleanup agreement
By Fred Jackson
Cape Breton Post: Letter From The Editor
Sat., May 8, 2004
- $1.5 million per week for six years
- 2,700 person-years
- Some 400 jobs
- More flights in and out of Sydney Airport
- More revenue for Cape Breton businesses
- Cleanup of the notorious Sydney tar ponds
- Cape Breton becoming a leader on the world tourism map
- Allowing Cape Breton to grow economically
This is the realty of the
$400 million deal to
clean up the highly
toxic Sydney tar ponds
and the coke ovens site. The big
announcement is expected
Monday when Cape Breton
MPs Mark Eyking and Rodger.
Cuzner will take centre stage
with two federal ministers representing Ottawa.
Prime Minister Paul Martin
is widely expected to call Canadians
to the polls sometime in
the next two weeks. A federal
source admits election timing
does have something to do with
the decision to fast-track the
cleanup agreement.
Ottawa sources said Friday
that if the announcement is
delayed a day or two, Martin
could attend. At this point it
appears Fisheries Minister
Geoff Regan, Nova Scotia's
representative in cabinet, and
Public Works minister Stephen
Owen will make the announcement,
along with Eyking and
Cuzner, for the federal side.
Some insiders say Martin
should be front and centre
because this project will have
an impact on other environmental
cleanup sites across
Canada. "It will show that he is
committed to the environment,
especially in terms of one of
the worst sites in Canada," one
source told me. "It will also give
him a boost politically, with a
major positive news announcement."
Sources say the prime minister
is impressed with the role
Cape Breton-Victoria MP Eyking
played in putting the
cleanup on the radar screen,
making the project a priority
since he was elected.
The federal-provincial
agreement was approved in
principle Thursday by Premier
John Hamm's cabinet and the
federal cabinet. The deal will
see the federal government
contribute up to $280 million.
The province will put $120 million
towards the project, which
is expected to be completed in
five distinct phases.
The agreement was reached
after intense negotiations this
week involving provincial
bureaucrats and a senior official
from the federal public
works department.
This project, along with the
Cape Breton Growth Fund will
allow Cape Breton to grow. The
ball is now on our turf so let's
run with it.
The business community, all
levels of government and their
agencies must form a strong
team. We have the money and
the project, and now the players
must step up and deliver.
Note: This is an excerpt from a letter by
Fred Jackson, Managing Editor of the Cape
Breton Post