Sydney tar ponds project seeks community organizations for liaison group

Cape Breton Post
Saturday, Nov. 22, 2003

The federal-provincial parties in the Sydney Tar Ponds project want to hear from organizations interested in nominating members to a communty liaison committee (CLC) that will operate during the design and implementation of the cleanup.

The committee will work to ensure a two-way flow of information between project managers and the organizations represented on the CLC. Commiitee members will be able to ask questions and offer feedback on the project.They will be expected to keep constituent organizations abreast of issues and project progress, and they will be expected to bring forward any concerns of their respective organizations. Project managers will provide the CLC with timely, accurate information about project plans and activities. CLC members will serve as a sounding board for project managers, providing a representative cross-section of community views, concerns, and ideas on project plans and activities. The CLC will meet approximately once a month.

A representative cross-section of up to 14 members (plus one chair} will be drawn from organizations with significant track records in business, health, organized labor, environment, the construction industry, post-secondary education, First Nations, recreation, community service (service clubs}, or religion.

If your organization is interested in participating on the Community Liaison Committee, please submit a letter to the address below by 15 February 2004, outlining the followlng information:

  • Name of the organization.
  • Areas of interests of the organization - include recent activities and projects.
  • Number of years in existence.
  • Executive and board of directors.
  • Size of membership.
  • Geographic area of the organization.
  • Method that would be used to communicate information from the CLC to individual members.
  • Any other Information that may be helpful in evaluating the application.

If your organization qualifies, and is interested in participating, please send a letter to:

Community Liaison Committee
Sydney Tar Ponds Project
P.O. 1028, Station A.
Sydney, NS, B1P 5J7

For a complete copy of he Community Liaison Committee's Terms of Reference please call 567-1035.