The Joint Action Group
on Environmental Cleanup
This page is not an official "JAG" Page ... it is a link from the Muggah Creek page, which will have newspaper articles pertaining to the Joint Action Group, and any other relevant information gathered.
This is the
located in Sydney, Nova Scotia, Canada

<META name=, Sydney, Nova Scotia">

Contact JAG

MOU still being discussed
Federal officials visit toxic dump
C.B. proposes dumping sewage into harbor
Milestone agreement reached in JAG roundtable
MOU signed - Sunday Herald, Sept.20/98
Tar ponds MOU signed - CB Post, Sept.21/98
Deadly Sydney
Municipality not Cancer Center
Sydney Residents Dying Early
Cancer czar says more studies needed; and Russell MacLellan goes to Ottawa to seek the $52 million required for next 2-3 years for tar ponds
JAG's Chair sets Priorities
JAG's Chair urges support for process

Reform accuses Liberals of ignoring health studies

Community Groups want Incineration of Tar Ponds - JAG says ABSOLUTELY NOT

Losing patience with tar ponds

JAG vice-chair proposed experts be employed to present options AND Residents have little faith in cleanup

Argentia officials to brief JAG, AND, Poll shows public is aware of JAG

JAG examines research fund

JAG not seeking cash

Province's decision angers JAG Chair + Province keeps JAG in dark

JAG has concerns about cancelled contract

Bickering & Harrassment becoming intolerable in JAG process

Paid JAG employees not only ones harrassed!

Coke ovens group awaits word on next step

JAG co-ordinator to leave

JAG tar ponds video gets national praise

Articles on March 25, 1999 JAG Roundtable meeting
- JAG postpones discussion on Ethics Committee's SERL ruling
- JAG calls for halt to Sobey's store project

Letter to Editor - March 26, 1999
- JAG should put stop to witch hunt - activist resigns because of discrimination

Letter to Editor - March 29, 1999
- Even THINKING expulsion puts JAG on bad course

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JAG WEB SITETo view the video made and produced by the
Joint Action Group on Environmental Cleanup of the

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