Community Alliance
May 20, 1999

To Our Government Partners:

We write you in your capacity as representatives of the government partners in the joint action group process. We do so with a pronounced sense of urgency. Our preoccupation is the environmental debacle known as the . Our overriding concern is the precipitous decline in public confidence in current efforts to remedy the situation.

Representatives of the United Steelworkers, Sydney Business Improvement District Commission, Cape Breton District Labour Council, Membertou Reserve, Board of Trade, and local youth groups have come together at the urging of their respective members. The alliance is of the view that the basis upon which community stakeholders were originally engaged in a collective process to remedy the environmental problems of the has gone adrift. And with this unfortunate and disconcerting development has come a noticeable decline in public confidence.

Government has unleashed a process with respect to the clean up of the which now sees Cape Breton County disparaged internationally, has provoked anxiety and fear among local residents, engendered strife among community stakeholders, and fostered cynicism. Despite these disturbing developments, the community process initiated by government continues to dither.

We believe it is of critical importance that the current stakeholder process respecting the be reviewed without delay. Community expectations and concerns respecting the process must be revisited. Consideration must given changes to the process where there is evidence of inferior performance and sagging public confidence.

We respectfully request your attendance at a meeting with representatives of the above named community organizations in Sydney, on June 8, 1999, at 7:00 PM, at the Steelworkers Hall, 369 Prince Street.

Thank you in advance for your cooperation on this matter.

Yours truly, John Kingston, Spokesperson
Fran Morrison, Spokesperson
Write to Community Alliance

Mr. William Hogg
Deputy Minster
Department of Transportation and Public Works
1969 Upper Water Street
Purdy's Wharf Tower II
4th Floor
P.O. Box 186
Halifax, NS
B3J 2N2

Mr. Jerry Ryan
320 Esplanade
Sydney, Nova Scotia
B1P 7B9

Mr. George Fox
Deputy Minister
Department of the Enviroment
5151 Terminal Road
5th Floor
P.O. Box 2170
Halifax, NS
B3J 3B7
Don Ferguson
Director General Atlantic
Health Canada
Ralston Building
7th Floor, Suite 701
1557 Hollis Street
Halifax, NS
B3J 3V4

Mr. Garth Bangay
Director General Atlantic
Environment Canada
15th Floor, Queen's Square
45 Alderney Drive
Dartmouth, Nov a Scotia
B2Y 2N6

Hon. Michele Sampson, Minister of the Environment, Nova Scotia
Hon. Clifford Huskilson, Minister of Transportation and Public Works,Nova Scotia
Hon. Christine Stewart, Minister of the Environment, Canada
Hon. Alan Rock, Minister of Health, Canada
Mayor David Muise
Premier Russel MacLellan
Hon. Manning MacDonald, Minister of Economic Development and Tourism, Nova Scotia


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