New Environmental Group Formed

Cape Breton Post, February 13, 1999
A new environmental group has emerged. The Citizens Alliance for the Protection of the Environment (CAPE) is gathering biweekly to determine ways to improve environmental policies in this area.

Doug MacKinlay, interim chair of the group, said they are addressing issues that are not within the Joint Action Group's (JAG) mandate - which includes the remediation of the Sydney tar ponds and coke oven site.

"They are a single issue group," he added. The two areas of focus for the group are the chlorination of the regional municipality's water supply and the need for a sewage treatment facility. The group is presently doing research on the topics for self-education so they can use the information during upcoming campaigns.

There next meeting will be held 6:30 p.m. Sunday, Feb. 21 at 156 Falmouth St., Sydney. Anyone seeking information may contact MacKinlay, 849-2828.

February 16, 1999 - Sewer collector altered for treatment facility

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