message from Dr. Rosalie Bertell

May 4, 1999

Dear Brad,

I am shocked at the ignorance of the MLA Paul MacElwan about toxic waste dumps! Even a beginning engineer would be able to tell him that there is a vast difference between the hazard posed by an undisturbed dump and one posed during the process of clean up and disturbing of the toxic waste. The Province was remiss in the question which they posed to CANTOX, the limited time they assigned to the study, the limited information provided to CANTOX on which they had to base their recommendations. Now the government is ignorant in its use of the CANTOX report to extend the findings well beyond any reasonable reading of the document, to try to cover radical change of the site.

When the government does not understand the human health hazard well enough to ask for a reasonable study, or to recognize whether or not they have received a reasonable study, and when it then tries to use the findings of that inappropriate study in a further inappropriate way, the citizens may well despair! Such an incompetent government should step aside and allow trained persons to take over the decision making.

The toxic waste dump near Frederick Street needs to have a buffer zone of approximately five kilometres around it before any shovel digs into and releases the buried toxic debris. Even this may not be sufficient protection of the public health. This giant toxic soup is the responsibility of both the Federal and Provincial Governments, not the local people. Protection of health besides being a normal governmental responsibility, is in this case a legal responsibility of the polluter. Failure to protect health after the means for doing this has been clearly stated to the government, and the limitations of the CANTOX report have been pointed out, is criminal. The Governments, both Provincial and Federal, should be put on notice that they will be held legally responsible for all of the consequences, including any further damage to the health of the people living near to that site.

Dr. Rosalie Bertell
President IICPH

Rosalie Bertell, Ph. D., GNSH 710-264 Queens Quay West Toronto ON M5J 1B5 CANADA Tel: 1-416-260-0575 Fax: 1-416-260-3404 Email: Dr. Rosalie Bertell, Ph.D., GNSH

Frederick Street results expected next week

Cape Breton Post - Cape Breton Briefly, Tuesday, May 4, 1999
Department of Environment inspectors have taken samples from Sydney area homes after an orange-coloured substance was found in two Frederick Street basements.

Environment Minister Michel Samson said initial test results of the substance will be available next week and comprehensive results will be ready within 10 days.

Once we have the test results in hand we will notify the residents and take action accordingly,'' said Samson.

Samson said the Environment Department will work with the Department of Transportation and Public Works, the lead agency, on this issue.

Letter from Bradford Duplisea

See Canada's Love Canal

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Nightmare on Frederick Street

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